Your body.  Your birth.  Your way.


bella vita principles of birth

Women are the best decision makers about their bodies; birth is a natural and deeply personal process rather than a medical emergency; and birth should always be woman-powered and woman-centric. The Birthing Woman should feel safe, secure, and loved during her labor and delivery. Her privacy should be carefully guarded with minimal interruptions and intrusions. She should be as calm and mindful as possible, aided in relaxation by breathing, meditation, position change, and massage techniques, and laughter and movement/dance where appropriate. Dim lights, aromatherapy, and carefully selected soundtracks create a calming, enabling environment for a positive birthing experience. When given the proper physical and emotional support, the Birthing Woman is better able to trust her inherent ability to give birth in the manner of her choice. The partner of the Birthing Woman, when present, should be encouraged to be an active, engaged member of the birthing team. The partner’s most important role is to make the mother-to- be feel like there is no other place he/she would rather be and that there is no other thing he/she would rather be doing. A doula can never replace the love and caring that the birth partner provides during this special time. A doula gives the birth partner ideas about what comfort measures can be used
during the different stages of labor and birth. A doula’s knowledge and experience can put the partner at ease so that he/she can participate at his/her comfort level during the process of birth. The doula and partner work as a team. Some of my proudest moments are the times I see birth partners
encouraging and supporting the mothers, whether they initiated it on their own or through suggestion and guidance, by holding them, kissing them, touching them, and offering positive and loving affirmations. This always makes my heart happy. As DONA states, “With her partner and a
doula at her birth, a mother can have the best of both worlds: Her partner’s loving care and attention and the doula’s expertise and guidance in childbirth.

Every Birthing Woman deserves love and support regardless of age, race, ethnicity, class, religion, sexuality, or geographic origin. All Birthing Woman should be equally treated like the Goddesses they are.

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